
To stimulate collaboration and synergy between the academic environments of the three projects and raise awareness of importance of Trustworthy AI, various activities and events will be organised

Kick-off meeting: to enable the project members meet and become familiar with the three projects

Cross Team Symposia: at least once per year the entire research teams from each project will meet to share progress, challenges, and discuss a pre-defined common theme

Young Researcher Networking Symposia: the young researchers (PhDs and Postdocs) from across the three projects will arrange their own networking event; we envisage three such networking events

LEAD AI: TAIS will collaborate with LEAD AI (EU Co-FUND project awarding UiB 19 postdocs in AI) to find possible synergies between the two projects; potential spill-over arenas include UiB open courses and targeted activities between TAIS and LEAD AI (details to be determined)

Guest Professors/Researchers: invited guests with research relevant for the three research projects will visit us in Bergen

International Symposium will be arranged as a final event of TAIS; approximately 10-15 invited speakers, 100 participants, and a learning festival where the results of the project will be arranged

Common Outreach: TAIS will facilitate both academic and public outreach

Other: it is imagined that other activities will arise from common meeting places and the leadership will support such spontaneous collaborations