TAIS leader team

Professor Barbara Wasson

Leader of TAIS and Project leader of EduTrust AI

Leader of TAIS and Project leader of EduTrust AI

Centre for the Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE), UiB

Professor Barbara Wasson is a leading expert in learning analytics and artificial intelligence in education. Wasson has long experience as a project (15+ projects), Centre (InterMedia & SLATE) and network leader (Kaleidoscope, EU). She holds a Masters (1985 Waterloo) and PhD (1990 Saskatchewan) in artificial intelligence with application in education and is a member of several national (Ministry of Education’s expert group on learning analytics) and international expert groups (Council of Europe’s Expert Group on AI and Education) and is Norway’s representative to the European Schoolnet Data Interest Group). She is the research leader of the AVT project which has been investigating the use of learning analytics and AI adaptive systems in Norwegian schools. Wasson is leading the TMS funded AI and Education: Layers of Trust (EduTrust AI) project.


Photo: Private

Professor Valeriya Lyssenko

Project Leader of TRUST-AI4D

Project Leader of TRUST-AI4D

Mohn Research Center for Diabetes Precision Medicine & Department of Clinical Science, UiB

Professor Valeriya Lyssenko is a world leading researcher in the field of clinical and genetic risk factors in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Lyssenko was recruited to WASSON – TAIS- 6 -UiB through the TMS-UiB Toppforsk programme. She is leading the TMS funded project TRUSTworthy AI models to predict progression to complications in patients with Diabetes (TRUST-AI4D).


Photo: Eivind Senneset

Professor Fedor Fomin

Project leader of Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy AI

Project leader of Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy AI

Department of Informatics, UiB

Professor Fedor Fomin is a leading expert in theoretical computer science and algorithms. In 2010 he was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant. Fomin is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, and the Academia Europaea. He is leader of the TMS funded project Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy AI.


Photo: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi/Thomas B. Eckhoff